BMW envisions a future of wearable transportation

BMW Suits that Transport Concepts – Click above for image gallery

BMW has teamed up with students of automotive design and fashion at the European Institute of Design in Barcelona to come up with some ideas on what the future of urban transportation may bring. And the results are... ahem, interesting.

And by interesting, what we really mean is strange.

Take, for instance, the Comme des Voitures, which features a pair of boots that feature soles clad with ball bearings and a helmet of sorts that beams relevant information to the "rider." And then there's the City-Skiing concept that is exactly what it sounds like, except that the skis are tall and short, and the corresponding suit looks like it was originally meant for a moon landing.

Slightly – and we do mean slightly – more rational is Flymag, which pairs a cape-like suit with a human-powered scooter that looks like a stroller. Combine the two and you've got a wee little automobile. We also have the Svala, again featuring a suit that controls a... wheeled thing that's supposedly electric.

And then we get crazy again with the B-Motion, an insane hoverboard and backpack combo that makes absolutely zero sense to us. Anyway, do check them out in the image gallery below.

BMW Suits that Transport Concepts
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[Source: European Institute of Design in Barcelona via Engadget]

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