Florida cancels online learner's permit test after finding over 50% can't pass test in real life [w/video]

No more online Learner's Permit option for Florida drivers – Click above to watch video after the jump

If you live in Florida and are getting ready to take the test to get you're learner's permit, you better head to Google Maps and find the location of the nearest DMV. For the past decade, potential new drivers had the option of taking their permit test online. This practice just came to a screeching halt when they found that a large percentage of drivers passing the online test failed the in-person version. How large? Over 50 percent.

Emotions are predictably mixed, but we're all for fine-tuning a program that gives people the privilege of piloting two-ton murder mobiles. Having smarter drivers on the road leads to a better motoring experience for all of us. It's even plausible that a more knowledgeable pool of drivers could lead to fewer accidents and reduced insurance premiums.

Hop the jump to view My Fox Orlando's segment on the matter.

[Source: My Fox Orlando]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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