Audi maintains it isn't at odds with parent VW over new EV?

Audi A1 E-tron concept – Click above for high-res image gallery

All is apparently well in the house of Volkswagen. According to Automotive News, Audi has come out and refuted reports that the German automaker is butting heads with its parent company. Rumors had cropped up that the two had been locking horns over the creation of the Audi A1 E-tron. Word had it that VW was riled that Audi wanted to craft a range-extended EV with a gasoline rotary engine instead of following the EV plans of the rest of the VW family. Reports had said that Audi wanted a vehicle that would be an alternative to the BMW Mega City car.

Volkswagen wants all of the brands under its watch to use similar platforms for their respective electric vehicle efforts, or at least that's what The Financial Times Deutschland reported earlier this week. Automotive News, however has reported that Audi says there's no conflict between the two companies. Volkswagen, meanwhile, was apparently unavailable for comment the story.

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[Source: Automotive News]

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