Video: Suzuki pits Kizashi against unlikely competitors

Suzuki Kizashi versus two unlikely competitors – Click above to watch video after the jump

Suzuki is pitting its Kizashi against a handful of surprising competitors for a series of new television ads The spots are set to begin airing on Christmas day. Who are the surprising competitors? An Audi A4, Mercedes-Benz C300 and Volvo S40... as well as a motorized sofa, stretch limo and a man wearing a bubble-wrap suit.

Seeing the Kizashi defeat the odd-ball entries is no surprise, but it is a bit of a shock that it also beats the Germans and the Swede, at least in Suzuki's arranged testing. Suzuki uses the advertisements to highlight the Kizashi's handling, braking, safety and price. The TV spots are part of a larger campaign called Kizashi Kicks. You can head over to for more information, and we've made the ad clips available for your viewing pleasure after the jump.

[Source: Youtube,]

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