Report: 136 recall campaigns in 2010 have covered 17.2M autos, and it's still not a record year

It's been a banner year for big recalls, or at least it feels that way. What with high profile recalls from Toyota for everything from runaway vehicles to brake issues and a host of smaller problems from nearly every automaker in the market, it certainly felt like 2010 was at the top of the recall heap. Only it wasn't. According to Ward's Auto, a total of 136 recalls sent 17.2 million vehicles back to the dealer this year, and while that's an impressive sum, it still falls short of the record. Way back in 2000, manufactures recalled 24.3 million vehicles due in part to the now infamous Ford Explorer/Firestone tire scandal.

Still, while this number's figure falls short of the big double-oh, recalls crept up by 800,000 units compared to 2009. Not surprisingly, Toyota led the way with 17 recalls covering around 6.6 million vehicles in 2010, but according to Ward's, the automaker still has plenty of work to do on some of the recalls from last year. Toyota is still only 65 percent of the way through repairing the 5.6 million vehicles that were recalled this year for faulty floor mats. That figure includes 80 percent of the trapped-pedal cars that were recalled in 2009.

And what of other automakers, you ask? Ward's reports that combined, the Big Three brought back around 4.6 million vehicles. Head over to Ward's Auto to see the full breakdown for yourself.

[Source: Ward's Auto]

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