The woman who tracks down real customers for car commercials [w/ video]

Danya Solomon helps manufacturers find customer testimonials – Click above to watch video after the jump

The testimonial is one of advertising's oldest weapons. It's a simple formula: If someone spent his or her hard-earned money on a product and lived to tell about it, chances are it will be good enough for you. But where do advertising companies come up with the jokers that we see splashed all over our television screens? It turns out that they look to one individual with a knack for finding people who are especially loyal to a specific brand or product. Her name is Danya Solomon.

Solomon is responsible for rounding up the everyday Joes and Janes we've seen on ads from Ford and Toyota lately. She spends her days scouring the internet, standing in parking lots and busting down pool-hall doors to find consumers who are passionate about the products they buy. The next time you see an average atomic family stand up and profess their love for a sedan, chances are Solomon had something to do with bringing them to the small screen. Hit the jump to see a few of the commercials she helped cast.

[Source: AOL Autos]

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