Funny Car Commercial of the Day: Mazda silences the kids

Mazda silences the kids – Click above to watch the video after the break

We love kids... other people's kids, that is. Yours truly doesn't have any progeny of his own to look after, so the need for a vehicle that has loads of interior space is mostly lost on me. If you do have some screaming little'uns to look after, though, your vehicular choices suddenly become a bit narrower in focus, and things like folding rear seats, power liftgates and rear-seat entertainment systems begin to look less like unnecessary expenses and more like valuable life- and time-savers.

Regardless of whether or not you have kids of your own, you've surely been trapped inside a moving vehicle full of the little buggers. Assuming that's the case, we'll step a bit further out on the limb and figure that you've had your own thoughts on how best to deal with the, ahem... problem. Mazda has a suggestion – see for yourself by watching the video pasted after the break. Like that one? Click here to see more funny commercials from


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