All Dubai'd Out and About: Chrome Lamborghini Murcielago Roadster shows up in London

Not sure how many of you remember, but last time we saw a mirror-finished car we had us a little poll concerning what to call vehicles in this condition. Here are the results, in order:

21.2% voted we should call mental health professionals
25.2% voted to simply call 'em Chromed
25.2% voted for "All Moscow'd Out"
28.4% voted for "All Dubai'd Out"

Therefore, according to you, you're looking at an "All Dubai'd Out" Murcielago drop top. It's official. And yes, there it is, sitting in London traffic next to a cab and a guy on a rickshaw. Supposedly on Downing Street. Wonder if the owner is chums of Gordon Brown? No, right -- probably more likely Blair. Tip of the hat to Bo.

[Source: Synamatiq]

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