Make it stop: Bad landau tops


Silly landau tops - Click above image for high-res image gallery

Landau tops. Frankly, some are fine. Show us, say, a mid-to-late '70s Olds Cutlass or Lincoln Town Coupe gussied up accordingly from the factory, and we're liable to nod in approval and make one of those, "Ehh, not bad at all!" facial expressions in appreciation of the old barge. That said, most modern landau roof applications are dealer-installed, and commensurately disastrous and stupid.

My friend Scott had been telling me about two particularly egregious examples he regularly sees in his Brooklyn neighborhood. "Show me," I told him. So he remembered to tote his camera with him this week and sent me these. The Buick LeSabre isn't all that surprising, gauche though it may be. But the Ford Escort? Yeah, that's a good one. Gotta love those opera lights and the fading "Ghia" lettering, too. Will anything ever stop these people?

Your turn: What's the most terrible landau top application you've personally witnessed? We know you have stories. Share.

UPDATE: TTAC fires a salvo of its own. Fun!

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[Images courtesy of Scott Nyerges]

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