VIDEO: 100% NSFW Irish rally footage

Irish Rally Team – Click above to watch video after the jump

There are good rally videos, bad rally videos and ugly rally videos. There are even other totally unsafe for work Irish rally videos. But then there's this video. Now, we love swearing. It's like a form of meditation. Dirty yoga let's call it. Speaking of Eastern philosophies, there's an old Taoist saying, "When the student is ready the master appears." Well, we thinks we met our potty-mouthed master.

Meet the faceless navigator of this Irish rally team. Remember that scene from A Christmas Story when Ralphie is beating the snot out of Skut Farkus? I think the line goes something like this, "I have since heard of people under extreme duress speaking in strange tongues. I became conscious that a steady torrent of obscenities and swearing of all kinds was pouring out of me as I screamed." Well, that's about the half of it. And if you think it's a little tame for the first ninety seconds, may we suggest skipping ahead to 1:31? Colorfully NSFW video after the jump. Tip O'the bowler to Ramana!

[Source: YouTube]

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