Carlos Ghosn: EVs could account 10 percent of global sales in 2020

Renault-Nissan's CEO Carlos Ghosn is a firm believer in the future of electric cars. According to an interview for le Journal du Dimanche, Ghosn says he expects the world's EV market will rise to six million vehicles per year, which is 10 percent of global sales. Ghosn also explained that Renault-Nissan is the manufacturer that invests the most in green technologies and is currently investing €4 billion in EV development and research. This will lead the company, in his words, to become the world's leader in green technologies. Ghosn has said before that EVs using electricity from clean sources (and he includes nuclear here) produce no CO2, making electric drive the greenest possible technology for the automobile.
[Source: Le Journal du Dimanche]

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