Need a friend? Find the Chevy Volt on Facebook

Using Facebook to promote your cause (or yourself) isn't exactly bleeding edge, but it certainly is de rigueur to have a FB page. Audi uses the site to help the Nature Conservancy, and there are ecodriving pages for Zimride and EcoSharing. Lo and behold, the Chevy Volt can indeed be befriended on Facebook; over 2,300 people have already done so (actually, they've said they're fans). One fan, someone named Mike, created the image used above that modifies one of GM's official advertisements to make it clear that plugs are powerful.

GM representatives can interact with fans through the Facebook page. One fan asked about what happens to "summer gas" that might sit in the gas tank all the way until winter. Phil (from GM) posted a response by Andrew Farah, the Volt's chief engineer, who said that:
In order to meet strict evaporative emissions requirements the Volt has a fully sealed fuel system. This will cause the fuel to age slower. The real issue is seasonal fuel blends that can affect starting and driveability as outdoor temperatures change. Rest assured, we'll have a solution by launch.
And some people say Facebook is only used to goof off at work.

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[Source: Facebook via Inside Line]

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