That didn't take long: FIA sues the FOTA over breakaway series

Barely a half a day has passed since the FOTA announced it start a breakaway championship, and as predicted, the FIA has announced it's suing the rebel teams. The FIA's sternest words were aimed at Ferrari, saying "The actions of FOTA as a whole, and Ferrari in particular, amount to serious violations of law including willful interference with contractual relations, direct breaches of Ferrari's legal obligations and a grave violation of competition law."

Max Mosley has been saying for months that F1 can do without the Ferrari and its rebel cohorts, and that the teams would be left off the 2010 championship entry list if they didn't come into line. Apparently, even though the sport can survive without them, and even though there are plenty of other teams applying to get into F1, the FIA would rather not explore that option. Hence the 2010 entry list has been "put on hold while the FIA asserts its legal rights."

Call us crazy, but it looks like the FIA knows who puts the gold in the coffers. In one of the many statements made before the racing and litigating begins this weekend, BMW's normally reserved Mario Thiessen said that the FIA's position was unacceptable, and McLaren's Martin Whitmarsh said that a breakaway series would "be recognized as the major championship." Hat tip to James.


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