Our Renewable Nation: just a simple family road trip to electric car companies across the U.S.

A pretty typical American summer vacation is loading up the car and going on a road trip to see some of this nation's history - Washington, D.C. or that harbor in Boston, for example. If you're a little more concerned about America's future, take a page from the video-happy McCullough family that's planning a trip called Our Renewable Nation. Long-time AutoblogGreen readers will recognize the family as the one's who brought you Darth Vader's Hummer and other videos.

The family's idea for summer 2009 is to travel the U.S. in a veggie-oil-powered VW Beetle and visit sustainable energy locations as well as EV makers like Tesla, Zenn, Poulsen and Aptera along the way. The trip website is currently pretty sparse, but expect daily blog posts and lots of videos from the happy campers once things get roling in May. For now, watch the preview videos of the trip after the break and check out EVCast #58 for an interview with Colin.

[Source: Colin M.]

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

456% Renewable! from Colin McCullough on Vimeo.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

An Inconvenient Youth from Colin McCullough on Vimeo.

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