RACE report shows that LPG is a viable solution

The Real Automóvil Club de España (RACE) as well as its German counterpart ADAC, have released a complete report defending the use of LPG (Liquiefied Petroleum Gas) as a viable alternative to gasoline. The complete report (which you can download following the link below) states that LPG is a reasonable solution for the following reasons:
  • Reduces CO2 emissions to diesel-car levels, 15 percent less than gasoline cars.
  • Produces 96 percent less NOx than diesel cars, and 68 percent less than gasoline cars.
  • Produces 99 percent less particulates than diesels.
  • Reduces noise levels by 50 percent.
  • Costs up to €4 per 100km less than gasoline, and €1.75 less than diesel (for Spain).
However, LPG has always raised the concern about safety, as the older conversions used butane and propane bottles which were known to explode. The RACE report crash tested an Opel Astra SW fitted with an LPG tank where the emergency tire is placed with positive results. Rear impact didn't affect the tank, and the valves installed allowed discreet release of the gas in case of fire.

[Source: RACE]

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