Not again! Schumi involved in another accident


We all know that Formula One pilots drive their cars to the very edge of their limits. What separates the godlike from the rest of the field of extremely talented drivers, however, is how close they can get to the edge without going over it. Go too far and you crash. Don't go far enough and lose. Michael Schumacher certainly falls into that rare category – tops it, even – of the exceedingly talented and accomplished, but lately, we've begun to wonder if the unprecedented seven-time world champion hasn't lost it.

Following the rumors from just a couple of days ago that Schumacher had totaled a Ferrari 430 Scuderia prototype on the Nurburgring (turns out it could have been another test driver) comes word that Shumi was involved in a traffic collision on public roads in England. A car dealer in Kent, England, reports to have been hit by a Fiat van, only to discover that it was the champion himself driving. Sound incredible? Both local police and Schumacher's spokesperson confirmed it was him. Michael reportedly cooperated with police who turned up at the scene, handed over his insurance information and was then picked up and disappeared. Thanks for the tip, AV!

[Source: BBC News, Image: Bongarts/Getty]

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