Tr2n (a.k.a. Tron 2), complete with Light Cycles, headed to theaters

Follow the jump to watch a video of Tr2n teaser footage

Disney is planning a sequel to its cult classic, Tron. Jeff Bridges reprises his role as Flynn, though the character may take on a more menacing tone in part two. Teaser footage was unveiled just yesterday at the San Diego Comic Con. While Tron was just moderately successful at the box office, the film's legend has grown along with its 80s-era fans, enough to earn itself a sequel over two decades later. The Light Cycles starred in what was perhaps the original film's most iconic scene, and they make a grand comeback in Tr2n, the tentative (and very unfortunate) name of the sequel.

Seriously, watch the crappy, clandestinely-obtained footage from the convention panel after the break. Color us super excited based on this early teaser. When we see a proper copy of this, we'll likely be even more stoked. Seriously, how cool are the new Light Cycles? We think they look awesome in their new uncovered form, and the updated graphics make us hope that the new story, said to be written by Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz from Lost, lives up to our childhood Tron memories.

[Source: Slashfilm]


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