It's Friday: Mobile meadow captures truck's carbon emissions on the run

My friend Dennis in Washington decided one day to make his Mazda truck really green. But instead of installing a revolutionary and complex powertrain, he decided to go modest and install the simplest carbon capture device on the cargo bed: he grows plants on it. Literally. I believe this even adds some kind of poetry to the simple act of driving.

Let him tell us the story of this project: "I started with it in March of 2007. I installed a plastic liner, which I filled with a mixture of light potting soil and chicken manure, then seeded with a large packet of Short Meadow mix. Then I just waited for it to grow. All the flowers this year reseeded naturally from last year's crop. It always gets lots of attention! The neighbors love it, too. By the way, I can't really take the truck on the freeway with the flowers so high, so I'll take the car instead."

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Thanks to Dennis!

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