Another way to scoot: Pulse Kick 'N Go Xcelerator

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According to the advertisements, "The more you kick it, the more it screams." Perhaps they aren't talking about what you think they are talking about. In fact, the Pulse Kick 'N Go is a human powered scooter which has a large pedal on the back which allows powered movement without touching the ground. There is a chain which connects the rear pedal to the back wheel, which is designed to spin in only one direction. Along with what appears to be fairly sturdy aluminum construction is a large front wheel which should make this scooter a bit more stable than some competitors on the market.

The company is marketing the machine very heavily, and there is even a blog that you can check out here. Even the crew over at The View have taken a look at this new product. We've gone ahead and pasted a video of its appearance on the TV show after the break.


The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: Pulse Kick 'N Go via Gizmag]

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