Autoextremist doesn't love scooters

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There is a certain amount of truth to Peter M. De Lorenzo's latest rant regarding the recent trend of record scooter sales in the United States. For instance, while we often report on the fuel savings of the average two-wheeled means of transportation, we also advocate proper rider training and apparel. Nobody here is going to suggest that two-wheelin' is a safer choice than riding in your "cage." But, we can't disagree more with a few statements made on, particularly that riding on main city streets is a bad idea. In fact, there is no better place to ride your scooter. We have plenty of experience on the topic, and feel that a scooter can be an excellent city conveyance.

We also can't reconcile the comparison between the latent SUV craze and the current scooter craze. While there are parallels between the two, they end when the environmentally responsibleness of the subject is brought up. Unless you are packing your SUV with plenty of people and their belongings, they usually make neither economic or environmental sense. That said, we agree with De Lorenzo's claim that trading your fuel-guzzler for a fuel-sipper does not always make sound economic sense.

Now seems like a good time to remind our readers that not everyone should go out and get a scooter or small motorcycle. For some, though, they can make a fine alternative option when an a two-ton chunk of metal is just unnecessary.

[Source: Auto Extremist]

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