VIDEO: Take a guided tour of the Aptera factory

In something of a paradigm shift equal to that of their source of propulsion, it seems the companies developing electric drive cars are being a lot more open with the general public and allowing folks to follow their progress closely. Tesla, through their website, seemed to have started the trend and GM is getting in on the action, hosting an afternoon with a bunch of Voltheads under the banner of VoltNation and allowing packs of journalists to tour their facilities.

Aptera has also developed under the watchful eye of the public. Road testing of their first prototype was recorded on videos and put up on YouTube. Now, continuing the tradition, they take you on a tour of their current facilities and show you some of their secrets. In the videos, you'll see that original prototype and how they build these composite vehicles. You'll watch the Aptera team all working together in quarters that are getting more cramped as the company begins to rapidly grow. You even get to see the nursery that the company thoughtfully provides for its employees.

Take a good look but don't get too attached. Aptera will be moving into more spacious quarters sometime soon. They are going to need lots more space as they begin turning out their birds this fall and start building prototypes of their upcoming 4-wheeled vehicle, code-named "Palomar." Hit the jump for all the Aptera factory touring action.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

[Source: YouTube via Aptera forum]

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