New York 2008: First "Volt Nation" meeting held

New York is the place to be this week for all things automotive and amongst the throngs that have journeyed to the Big Apple to gawk at the latest offerings were a group of hard-core Chevy Volt fans. They came from all across the country to gather together under the banner of "Volt Nation" for a chance to see the concept version of the object of their affection up close and ask questions of some of the GM executives responsible for the E-Flex development program.

Organized by Dr. Lyle Dennis (pictured above on the left), creator of the popular GM-Volt fan website, the group of about 300 souls converged on the Jacob Javitz Center for an event that, for probably the first time, brought car company officials and consumers together to ask questions of each other. Our favorite GM exec, Bob Lutz, was on hand as was design chief, Frank Weber.

So what was learned about the upcoming Volt? From scouring the posts of attendees we hear that the battery should begin life with a 50 mile range, that's 10 miles more than originaly thought and it can be plugged into regular 110V outlet or 220V. It is being designed as a "global" vehicle so it could sport either right hand and left hand drive and will comply with emissions regulations world-wide.

We'll have a video of the event in a bit . Video after the jump.

[Source: GM-Volt]

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