Diesel Sweeties, a comic ABG readers should appreciate

It's Friday afternoon. There are a few minutes to go for all of you stuck in the office before the weekend hits. Why not enjoy a little laugh courtesy of the comic Diesel Sweeties. Diesel Sweeties is a strip that blends old school computer graphics with some eco-aware young people who like video games and robots who like cats. Diesel Sweeties was created by rstevens back in 2000 and is now syndicated in some newspapers.
We're not going to spoil the punchline to a recent comic that fits well with AutoblogGreen. Click here to read rstevens' genius idea to solve the four problems listed in by the robot in the image on the right. There are other green-transport-related strips here and here. In fact, go ahead and just click around the DS site for a while. Your boss won't mind, I'm sure, and this strip is quite genius. Thanks to Shawn for the tip!

[Source: Diesel Sweeties]

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