Chrysler in talks with Fiat to build Alfa Romeos in the U.S.?

Chrysler now has a partnership with China-based automaker Chery to rebadge a small car for the South American market, a partnership with Volkswagen to build VW-badged minivans, and a brand new deal with Nissan in which it will supply the Japanese automaker a full-size truck in exchange for a new small car. Rumor has it that the Cerberus-owned automaker isn't done shaking hands quite yet.
The latest partnership may involve Italian automaker Fiat, as reported by the German newspaper Handelsblatt. According to the paper, the deal with Fiat would involve freeing up some of Chrysler's production capacity in the U.S. for Fiat to build Alfa Romeos here. We're not sure what Chrysler would get out of the deal besides money, but Fiat would accomplish a step that makes reintroducing Alfa Romeo cars in the U.S. that much easier. Chrysler-built Alfa Romeos, though? We've seen Chrysler-built Maseratis in the past (Maserati TC ring a bell?), which didn't work out too well. Hopefully this time, things will be different.

[Source: Reuters]

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