Elderly man hangs up the keys after trashing two Porsches


Jack Higgs of Penarth, England, is 93. He has been driving for 76 years, and has never gotten a ticket. He never even had a single accident since learning to drive at age 17. That flawless streak came to an end, however, on Monday, when Mr. Higgs totaled two cars and badly damaged a third. Mr. Higgs swears he'll never drive again.

A former Pentecostal minister, Higgs was backing up his 13-year-old Ford Fiesta at a local Porsche dealership when he inexplicably lost control and found himself hanging upside down by his seat belt in his overturned car. At 93, Higgs managed to get himself out of the wreck unassisted and, after being checked over by the paramedics, walked away from the scene unscratched. You'd think the owners of the dealership would be livid, but their concern was mostly for Higgs' wellbeing. The nonagenarian, who attributed his good fortune to prayer and God, had been driving through the dealership's front lot for years without incident to get to his garage, was known to everyone at the dealership, and even offered to help clean up the mess. Somehow we doubt Mr. Higgs will have trouble finding someone to give him the occasional lift.

Thanks for the tip, Paul!

[Source: BBC News]

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