What's the deal with Fiats? Seinfeld flips car, but fine now

News is just now surfacing that comedian Jerry Seinfeld flipped his 1967 Fiat BTM on Saturday in New York when the classic car's brakes failed. The funny man surely wasn't laughing when the brake pedal stopped responding, so he swerved to avoid the heavily trafficked Montauk Highway, causing the car to flip and come to stop before the intersection. Police credit Seinfeld with avoiding a very serious accident thanks to his split-second decision, and the ever joking ex-TV star said this about the accident:
"Because I know there are kids out there, I want to make sure they all know that driving without braking is not something I recommend, unless you have professional clown training or a comedy background, as I do. It is not something I plan to make a habit of."

We're not quite sure why news of Seinfeld's traffic mishap sat around on some news reporter's desk for four days until it blew up. He flipped the Fiat on Saturday and suddenly news of his near death experience is everywhere on Wednesday. Oh well, we should just be pleased that one of our country's national treasures is safe.

[Source: CBS47TV, Photo by Stephen Lovekin/Getty]

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