Lutz confirms Chevy Volt media rides in July, GM won't name battery supplier until late 2008

A little over ten days ago, GM's Bob Lutz told us that the Chevy Volt would not be ready for media drives until July. While that announcement was slightly newsworthy because it signaled a small delay/shifting of the timeline. Whatever. The news that the lithium-ion-powered mules would still be on track to be driven at all was a good sign. Lutz has now confirmed to Reuters that those rides are still scheduled for July but then announced a delay of a different kind.

Two companies, Continental Automotive Systems and Compact Power Inc., are supplying test batteries for the Volt. GM had been hoping to name a supplier for the production Volt's batteries in the first half of 2008, but that announcement will now come later in the year. Lutz told Reuters that, "We need a better handle on who has the technological capability we need and who is going to have the production capability." And all the Volt fans held their breath a bit longer.

[Source: Reuters]

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