Dave Matthews Band tour to go green once again

Photo by Diliff, Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5

We're quite familiar with the idea of music tours going green with acts such as Bonnie Raitt, Panic! At The Disco and Barenaked Ladies having been reported on here at AutoblogGreen. All of these tours were being coordinated with Reverb, which has "greened" 50 tours to date, and has another big name on the docket for this year: Dave Matthews Band. This is the second tour that DMB and Reverb have partnered on, using biodiesel for their buses and generators on their first. This year, though, they have added a new twist: carpooling. Fans of the band who want to carpool to shows will have the ability to arrange their rides online in advance of the concert.

Last year, the DMB tour was able to reduce or eliminate over 3,300,000 pounds of CO2 through the use of biodiesel and carbon credits. Here's hoping that Reverb, DMB and their fans can do even better this year.

[Source: Reverb via Ecorazzi]

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