Oklahoma State University gets new $1.2m bioenergy lab, Coskata folks must be smiling

Oklahoma State University: the school of ethanol made from sweet sorghum. Also, the place where the proprietary microorganisms that Coskata uses in its cellulosic ethanol process came from. OSU certainly is no stranger to biofuels, and a new $1.2m bioenergy laboratory will further research turning plants and other carbon matter into liquid fuel.
According to today's Journal Record, the new laboratory will be the centerpiece in OSU's attempt to secure funding for its interdisciplinary work on biofuels. Ray Huhnke, a biosystems engineer and the coordinator of the various OSU biofuels team members, said the holistic approach will result in "the creation of cost-effective biofuels."

The OSU Biofuels Team has been working together for the past decade. Members come from the OSU Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources; the OSU College of Engineering, Architecture and Technology; the University of Oklahoma; and Brigham Young University. OSU also partners with the Oklahoma Bioenergy Center, which also includes Oklahoma University and the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation of Ardmore.

[Source: Journal Record]

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