President Bush describes the beginning of a "new era" of green transportation equal to the Model-T

President Bush gave a great speech (see video below the fold) at the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference yesterday. Bush started the speech by joking about the length of the conference's name and his large motorcade. He quickly became serious, however, saying we have to "get off oil" and listed reasons including the reality that the sources of oil are often countries that don't like us. Bush then spoke about a green future where Texas farmers grow switchgrass that's turned into fuel for our cars, city people drive plug-in hybrids that have a 40-mile electric-only range and, in the long term, hydrogen-powered cars that produce only water as a waste product. Bush even talked about a flight by the Air Force with alternative fuels and, as we mentioned earlier, a recent flight on biofuels by Virgin Atlantic. What he just described, Bush says, is the "beginning of a new era," one that's almost equal to the era started by the Model T. The Bush administration has an exemplary record on green transport and this speech felt like it put a well-deserved capper on his accomplishments.

[Source: The White House via Detroit News]

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