Hybrid Technologies readies new li-ion batteries with "superlattice structures"

Hybrid Technologies, the company that will bring some of its newly re-named LiV line of electric vehicles to the New York Auto Show next month, has announced that its new type of lithium ion polymer battery has passed tests and should allow electric cars to go 200 miles per charge once they're mass produced. The improvement in the li-ion batteries is a new cathode material with what Hybrid Technologies calls a "superlattice structure" where some of the transition metal is replaced by lithium. This new material allows batteries to operate anywhere between 4.3V to 2V. Successful industrial-scale synthesis means that Hybrid Technologies expects these batteries to be used not only in EVs but also UPS power back-up systems. There's lots more at the Hybrid Technologies website. Thanks to Scott S. for the tip!

[Source: Hybrid Technologies]

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