NYC is looking for "The taxi of tomorrow"

Are you an automaker interested in having your cars cruising the streets of the Big Apple as taxicabs? If so, then keep on reading. New York's Taxi and Limousine Commission (TLC) has created a website with a request for information (RFI) that seeks information on ways to bring the "next iconic taxi to the City's streets."

This RFI will get feedback from the auto industry so the TLC can study possibilities of creating a special vehicle that balances the city's need for taxis as well as a blueprint and timeline to bring the new "medallion yellow" NYC taxi model to the streets. According to the website, the new taxi should have the following requirements:
  • Meets highest safety standards
  • Superior passenger experience
  • Superior driver comfort and amenities
  • Appropriate purchase price and ongoing maintenance and repair costs
  • Smaller environmental footprint (lower emissions and improved fuel economy)
  • Smaller physical footprint (with more usable interior room)
  • Compliance with appropriate Americans with Disabilities Act requirements
  • Iconic design that will identify the new taxi with New York City
Got any ideas?

[Source: TLC]

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