GM considers sharing E-Flex among brands, sky is blue

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At its annual dealer meeting in San Francisco, what's described as having been a "passing remark" seems to be generating some buzz. Automotive News reports that a GM spokesperson said that the Chevy Volt's underlying technology could make its way into offerings from the automaker's other brands. While the report describes an excited dealer's reaction, the idea of shared E-Flex itself is hardly surprising. For instance, we've seen E-Flex concepts for Saturn/Opel (Flextreme) and Cadillac (Provoq) already, and sharing the tech makes sense when you consider that consumer interest will probably be high whenever the Volt is ultimately produced, and spreading the wealth gives GM multiple avenues (and price points) at which it can cash in on the investment. The General already shares engines and platforms among its brands, so why not E-Flex? It seems like such a natural thing to do, maybe that's why the comment about sharing it was made in passing to begin with. The General's been telegraphing this move through the concepts it's released over the last year.

[Source: Automotive News - Sub. Req.]

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