X Prize: major automakers were approached but won't enter, sponsor cars

According to Michigan Live, the Auto X-Prize approached all the top auto makers but none has entered the competition. In fact, the major auto makers won't even sponsor cars. Donald Foley, executive director of the Auto X-Prize, still holds out hope, saying, "we would very much like them to participate, and over the last year we've talked to many OEMs and our view is we want their participation."

I guess one of major automakers might enter before it's over. Why give up all that free press? I guess there are risks. Losing to some guy in a garage, for example, and they really don't need the $10m prize money. It's not like they need the inspiration either with things like the new 35 CAFE standard. Over 50 teams have already entered the competition to make a green car for a $10m prize, so who needs the Big Three anyway?

[Source: Michigan Live]

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