Ugly lawsuit alert: driver kills bicycle rider, then sues his family

To be honest, I don't really have the words to describe the actions of businessman Tomas Delgado. In 2004, while he was driving at "excessive speeds," Delgado hit and killed Enaitz Iriondo, a 17-year-old on a bike. Police said Iriondo wasn't wearing reflective clothing or a helmet; Delgado's insurance company paid Iriondo's family 33,000 Euros in damages. The trouble is that now Delgado wants some of that back. No, I'm not kidding.
Delgado is suing Iriondo's family for 20,000 Euros for the damage Iriondo's body did to Delgado's Audi A8 and for the cost of renting a car while the Audi was in the shop. A legal decision is expected sometime today. Delgado's reasoning, according to the Daily Mail: "I'm also a victim in all of this, you can't fix the lad's problems, but you can fix mine."

Iriondo's mother (pictured) has another take on all this: "This was the final straw, a kick in the teeth." I think those words are all we need.

[Source: Daily Mail via Autoblog]

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