UN Foundation wants our ideas for On Day One

I highly doubt that it's escaped your notice (especially if you're in the U.S.), but the current president here has just under a year left in office (scattered cheering all around). Come January 2009, when a new president is sworn in, what should be his or her number one priority?
The UN Foundation would like to know what we think about the priority list. They have set up the On Day One website, a place for people to submit their "ideas for a better world." The Foundation has set up nine categories (the 9 for '09, they call it) where readers can submit ideas, and Climate and Energy is one of them. The others are US Image in the World, Iraq, Nuclear Proliferation, Terrorism, Poverty, Peacekeeping, Democracy in the World and Global Women's Issues. I'm sure AutoblogGreen readers have some good ideas to submit when it comes to legislation regarding greener driving. We love to hear your thoughts in our comments section, but this is one time when it's a good idea to raise your ideas in a new circle.

[Source: Chrissy F. on behalf of the UN Foundation]

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