Tesla Roadster passes federal standards, can be sold in all 50 states

click above for more pics of the Tesla Roadster testing for the FMVSS

In order to legally be sold as a production vehicle in all 50 of these United States, a new car has to meet hundreds of requirements, some silly and some serious. Malcolm Powell, Tesla Motors VP of Vehicle Integration, reported on the company's blog recently that the Tesla Roadster has finished taking and passed every test of the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards.

Perhaps the most important requirements to meet are the crash tests, and as you can see, a number of Tesla Roaster prototypes were sacrificed to ensure that drivers and passengers alike would be reasonably safe in the case of an accident. Emergency cutoff systems have also been put in place for those worried about what happens to those 1.21 gigawatts behind their head in case of an accident.

The Tesla Roadster also passed muster in other tests, like being able to defrost the front windshield quickly and adequately, using symbols on the instrument panel that adhere to federal standards, and having headlights that aren't positioned to blind oncoming traffic.

That's one more hurdle jumped for the Tesla Roadster on its way from hyperbolic vaporware to actual production reality. With the FMVSS tests out of the way and a solution for the transmission issue in place, it doesn't seem like much can stop this revolutionary car from entering production on March 17th as promised.

Check out more pics of the Tesla Roadster undergoing federal testing in the gallery below.

[Source: Tesla via AutoblogGreen]

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