Tesla Roadster crash test pics as it passes all federal safety standards

It's pretty and it's ugly at the same time. The picture above is just one of a series of crash test pictures that Tesla's Malcolm Powell (vice president of vehicle integration) posted yesterday over on the Tesla Motors blog. Powell is excited because the Roadster has now made it through the final round of crash tests. He writes:

Thanks to great design, structural analysis, build quality and well run test management, we have successfully completed the entire suite of dynamic impact testing to meet both FMVSS [Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards] and, as importantly, our own very strenuous internal performance targets.

There are also some less-obvious standards - window defrogging, headlight positioning, rear visibility - that the Roadster has also passed. The news, then, is that the Tesla Roadster meets all necessary FMVSS test requirements and will be allowed to be sold in the Federal Market. After all the negative news surrounding the car and the company recently, Powell's post is most welcome indeed.

[Source: Tesla Motors]

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