Martin Eberhard's blog gets redacted, he drinks the Volt Kool-Aid

Over at Martin Eberhard's new soapbox, the TeslaFounders blog, he giveth and taketh away. First with the latter. When we first checked in with Martin a couple of weeks ago, he was writing about what he described as a Stealth Bloodbath. That post has since been redacted although it can be found in that fount of knowledge known as the Google cache. It just goes to show yet again that once something gets out on the world wild web, no matter how many lawyers you sick on it, it's unlikely to ever truly go away. By the way, Tesla's Darryl Siry didn't know who if anyone at Tesla actually contacted Martin about removing the post.

On the giveth side, Martin's latest entry talks about his encounter last year with Bob Lutz. When one of our colleagues encountered Eberhard checking out the Volt in Detroit last year, he was dismissive of the idea. However at some point after the show he had a private audience with Maximum Bob. Between that encounter and other discussions with people involved in the Volt program, he came to realize that GM was serious and the idea actually had merit in advancing the cause of vehicle electrification. You can read Martin's whole tale over his blog.


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