EcoMotors, Vinod Khosla and the Detroit Auto Show


Considering that the internal combustion engine has been around for so long, you could be excused if you thought that there were no more big gains to be found when it comes to the efficiency of the design. You would be wrong, though, and EcoMotors' has a unique design ICE that is giving the company room to make some big claims. Using a horizontal design, like the old Volkswagen Beetle or current Subarus, EcoMotors believes that a 2.5 liter engine using their technology could generate as much power as a current-tech 6.5 liter diesel.

According to reports, Khosla Ventures has invested an undisclosed amount of money in the company. This does not, however, constitute a recommendation by us, as we know little of investments. According to Khosla, the time is right and the market is ripe for new technology like the EcoMotors engine design. With all of the new legislation which will require vehicles to meet a more strict set of fuel mileage and emissions regulations, he may have a point. We look forward to hearing more details regarding the plans for this engine, although the team believes it may not be before 2011 that a production engine is made for consumer use.

[Source: CNET]

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