Cattle! Trucks! 2009 Dodge Ram reveal "Pregame"

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The official introduction of the 2009 Dodge Ram is still almost a half-hour away, but preparations for the cattle stampede that will herald the truck's arrival appear to be going exactly as planned. Tucked out of sight in a downtown Detroit parking lot-turned-corral are 115 head of longhorn cattle that came all the way from Oklahoma for the event. As you can see, they're fine-looking critters, and according to the wranglers babysitting them, they're also as friendly as can be. They just don't smell too great. But hey, get 100-plus steer in one place and there'll be no shortage of BS.

Also on hand with our animal friends are a trio of 2009 Rams. They're disguised, but we managed to get peeks of different elements as the trucks were readied for their big moment. We'll have photos and video of the reveal and press conference a little later, but until then, we've got these pregame pics to tide you over.

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