Friends of the Earth warns about Saab greenwash ads

Friends of the Earth Europe thinks that some of Saab's latest ads are nothing but greenwashing, and has publicly warned the automaker to withdraw them or face legal challenge. FoEE instigated a summons (PDF) that was served to Saab's office in Belgium and "calls on the company to remove all wording and imagery from its website and brochures which associate its cars with nature or the protection of the environment. It must also withdraw false claims that driving a Saab reduces CO2 emissions." Another problem, FoEE says, is that Saab is not being clear about the CO2 emissions and fuel consumption numbers of the BioPower engines, "which is a violation of Belgian and European law." If Saab doesn't meet the demands in eight days, FoEE "will file legal proceedings."

[Source: Friends of the Earth Europe]

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