AutoblogGreen looking for new bloggers. You interested?

As our frequent tipsters and comment contributors know, AutoblogGreen is a bit of a co-operative effort. Thanks to our growing readership and the increased post count we'd like to bring them, we're looking for new bloggers to join us on the writing side of the screen. In short, we once again need more writers who love cars and green car technology (and have the chops to convey that enjoyment to others in snappy blog posts). I've put the full application details after the jump and am looking forward to adding new voices to our little community here.

Here are the application details:

A good candidate must exhibit:
  • Prolific knowledge of the auto industry and/or green auto scene
  • Ability to write with wit, concision and authority
  • Consistent schedule
  • Self motivation
  • A demonstrated passion for autos and the environment - whether you prefer "green" or "blue" won't be taken into account :)
We also require that you:
  • Possess a fast computer (laptops are best) and fast Internet connection
  • Own a decent digital camera
  • Have the software and knowledge to create and manipulate photos
  • Are available to blog on an almost daily basis
  • Keep a valid drivers license
Here's how to apply. Send applications to writers [at] Your email should have no attachments except for a resume (if you want) and include the following information inside the email:
  • A subject line with your full name
  • Your full contact information including physical address, email, daytime/evening phone numbers, IM user IDs
  • Brief bio of yourself telling us why you're the right blogger for the job
  • Three sample posts written in the AutoblogGreen style. One of these posts must be about a car or technology announced at this year's Detroit Auto Show. Pretend you're introducing to the world the Provoq or Ecoboost, for example. We want to see your passion for (or criticism of) new products. The subjects of the other two posts are up to you, but should be ABG material
  • A list of car(s) you currently own or a description of how you use alternate transportation
  • Three suggestions on how to improve AutoblogGreen
  • Your nomination for 2007's best auto (or green car trend) of the year and why
We'll only consider complete applications that come with no more than a resume attached to the email. Due to the large volume of applications expected, we unfortunately cannot respond to each and every one. If you make the cut past the first round, we'll contact you and go from there. If you've applied to AutoblogGreen in the past, we hope you apply again, as we appreciate each and every person who considers joining our team. Also, please forward this post to friends you think might be good candidates.

Deadline is a week from tomorrow; by the end of the day on Wednesday, January 16.

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