Update on the Corbin Raven


Last summer, we introduced you to a new vehicle that was being designed by Mike Corbin of Corbin Motors called the Raven. As a brief history lesson, remember that the current NmG, (or No more Gas) was originally the Corbin Sparrow. Although that car never really made the impact that Corbin had hoped, the company did not give up on the idea of a small, single-passenger, three-wheeled vehicle for commuting purposes. The Sparrow used nothing but electrons for motive force, but their newest vehicle of the genre uses a small gas engine. Still, expect very high fuel mileage.

There are a few other interesting features of the car, like the rear steering which supplements the normal front wheel steering. Also note the lambo-style scissor door to gain access into the drivers compartment. Pretty cool.


[Source: Corbin]

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