VIDEO: The Dark Knight returns, full trailer released into the wild

After enduring a long and arduous week of never-ending KITT coverage, it's time to turn our focus to something that has the distinct possibility of not sucking – The Dark Knight. Batman Begins proved that comic book-based movies can actually be entertaining, not causing excessive eye-rolling and extraneous cringing. Plus, it didn't hurt that our female friends could sit through the flick and enjoy the machismo provided by Christian Bale.

Over the weekend, a few shoddy videos of the full, two-minute trailer for The Dark Knight began to surface, so Warner Bros. decided to release the trailer in downloadable form for the masses. Naturally, we've got it up and hosted on YouTube and you can check it out in full after the jump.

Needless to say, it looks damn good. Heath Ledger's Joker will give Nicholson a run for his money, the man in black gets a new two-wheeled conveyance and who can deny burnouts in the Tumbler? Batman returns in the summer of '08, but you can get your fix by clicking here.

The video meant to be presented here is no longer available. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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