Jaguar and Land Rover to build coolest design studio on Earth

Even though Jaguar and Land Rover might only have a foot or so of visibility into the fog of their business futures, they continue to plan for long-term success. The latest step is a $4 million investment in a "virtual reality center" that will create three-dimensional projections for designers and engineers to study, saving the time and expense of having to build individual models.

Jag and Land Rover worked with four suppliers to create the four-walled studio. Projecting power will come from eight Sony SRX-S105 projectors, each one of them as powerful as the best cinema-standard projector and each one having four times the resolution of HD. With that kind of capability, designers -- wearing 3-D glasses -- will be looking at photorealistic representations of their creations.

When finished in the spring of 2008, it will be the most advanced design studio in the world. We're glad to see the two embattled marques focused on nothing but getting better. Now if Jag could use that studio to make a kick-ass XJ replacement, and make the XF -- as good as it is -- everything it could be, then they'd really have a blockbuster studio on their hands.


'Cave drawings' show the way for Jaguar and Land Rover

Jaguar and Land Rover today revealed plans for a new industry-leading design facility that will draw on advanced audio visual technologies with the projection power of eight cinemas to significantly speed up product development cycles. Some $4million is to be invested in a state-of-the-art 'Virtual Reality Centre' which will allow engineers and designers to see in life-size three-dimension, models of vehicles and components. It will reduce the need for physical prototypes, saving both time and money in the process.

The most advanced facility of its kind in the world, Jaguar and Land Rover's four-walled 'cave' draws on projection power equivalent to eight hi-tech cinemas and will provide a virtual reality environment simulating vehicle exteriors and interiors and capable of making bodywork appear transparent.

"This is a key advance in our development toolbox," said Al Kammerer, Product Development Director for Jaguar and Land Rover. "The awesome power of this project is unparalleled in our industry worldwide and will allow us to produce new vehicles on a much quicker timeline, to update and develop more responsively to customer trends and to be considerably more efficient as well."

Eight Sony SRX-S105 high resolution projectors – each as powerful as the strongest projector used in any of today's hi-tech cinemas – will provide a visual quality that clearly outstrips existing industry virtual reality caves by producing photo realistic images. The user wears 3-D glasses to experience 'ultimate realism' with an ultra-high resolution that is twice as clear as the latest High Definition TV!

Working in partnership with Sony, Sun Microsystems and ICIDO, Midlands-based HoloVis International Ltd is bringing together all of the different components of the project to design, install and support the next-generation virtual environment for Jaguar and Land Rover.

Raj Pandya, General Manager, Sony UK added: "We have been working closely with HoloVis International who have developed this innovative solution for Jaguar and Land Rover and the automotive industry. The Sony 4K projectors are four times the resolution of High Definition, meaning it is almost impossible to see pixels on this size screen. These projectors are now going to affect the auto market in a drastic way."

The new Virtual Reality cave is due to be completed and operational at Jaguar and Land Rover's Gaydon engineering centre by spring 2008.

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