Coke to add 120 hybrid trucks to its US fleet in 2008

Coca-Cola Enterprises plans to add 120 hybrid trucks to its fleet in the US over the next year. The company currently uses two hybrids in the Bronx, NY fleet and plans to add another three to the Bronx fleet in December. Coke's president and CEO, John Brock, and New York Major Michael Bloomberg said a few words at the ceremony introducing the five trucks to the Bronx fleet and NY1 has a short video of the event.
Mayor Bloomberg said, "Sustainable business practices will save businesses money in the long run. That's why we're seeing support for converting the taxi fleet to hybrids, major rental companies like Hertz converting their fleets, and it's why a leader in product distribution like Coca-Cola Enterprises has made this commitment."

Mr. Brock said "Coca-Cola Enterprises has long been responsive to the needs of our local communities, and the expansion of our hybrid-electric fleet in the Bronx demonstrates our commitment to Mayor Bloomberg's call for local industries to be proactive in the search for alternative fuel sources."

According to the press release, Coke did intensive research and design with their suppliers to create the International 4300 truck, with Eaton Hybrid Technology. The truck uses a motor/generator, working with the transmission and a 340 volt battery, to get 32 percent increased fuel efficiency and the trucks can drive on electric power only below 30 MPH. The trucks also saves fuel by not idling at stop lights.

Coke is the largest marketer, distributor, and producer of bottled and canned liquid nonalcoholic refreshment. The Bronx sales center has 90 trucks servicing 8,700 customers in Manhattan and the Bronx, delivering more than 8 million cases of product annually.

What a great early Christmas gift from Coke. I'd like to buy the world a Coke hybrid truck.

[Source: Coke press release, NY1]

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