Toyota rethinks Prius ad, issues recall

Toyota just can't seem to catch a break lately. Increasing recalls and slipping Consumer Reports ratings and now this. In a seemingly innocent commercial touting the fuel efficiency of its much-loved Prius hybrid, the company took a playful jab at Fresno, California. Basically, they made Fresno look like a place in which you would only stop if you needed gas on the way to someplace better, which didn't sit too well with folks who call Fresno home. The ad made it to Digg and then all heck broke loose. Fresno didn't think it was so funny, and California Senator Dianne Feinstein even wrote Toyota to complain. Toyota decided to recall the spot (that was only airing in the East) and issue an apology. Click over to AB Green to see what all the fuss was about.

[Source: Autoblog Green]

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