Chrysler Foundation gives $150,000 to NextEnergy Center in Detroit

The NextEnergy Center at Wayne State University in Detroit got a boost this week thanks to a $150,000 donation from the Chrysler foundation. The money will be used for the test program the center has to evaluate alternative fuels. The center has a platform for testing the performance of fuels including the stability, efficiency and emissions. The fuels are evaluated under controlled conditions before being used in vehicles. Chrysler and NextEnergy are also participants in the program to develop national standards for B20 biodiesel fuel.

[Source: Chrysler]
The Chrysler Foundation Supports Michigan's Alternative Fuels Industry with Donation to Detroit's NextEnergy

* Foundation's $150,000 grant will fund the organization's alternative fuel testing platform
* Detroit organization enables the commercialization of energy technologies in the state of Michigan
* Chrysler LLC and NextEnergy also partnering on several other programs

Auburn Hills, Mich., Nov 9, 2007 - The Chrysler Foundation today announced plans to donate $150,000 to NextEnergy, Inc., in support of the organization's alternative fuel testing program. NextEnergy, based in Detroit, was founded to encourage alternative energy technologies that positively contribute to economic competitiveness, energy security, and the environment.

"This grant is an extension of Chrysler's commitment to being a good neighbor in all the places where we build and sell our vehicles," said Frank Fountain, Senior Vice President – External Affairs and Public Policy, Chrysler LLC. "It's a priority for Chrysler to increase the use of alternative fuels by investing in research into biodiesel technology and helping to develop industry standards for biodiesel fuel."

The alternative fuel testing platform allows fuels to be tested for their stability and efficiency before trying them out in vehicles or other power generators. The fuel testing platform can also be used to advance the development of hydrogen and natural gas as alternative fuels.

"Chrysler's commitment to creating new fueling options has helped move automotive applications for alternative energies to a new level," said Jim Croce, CEO of NextEnergy. "With The Chrysler Foundation's grant, we have been able to complete a testing platform that helps check out the viability of new bio and synthetic fuels as they progress from concept to use in vehicles and power generators."

Chrysler LLC is also a partner in two additional projects now underway at NextEnergy, the National Biodiesel Energy Lab (NBEL) and a biofuels infrastructure program through the U.S. Department of Labor & Economic Growth.

The National Biodiesel Energy Lab (NBEL) is developing standards for biodiesel use in vehicles. A national standard is necessary to allow OEM's to warranty their vehicles for use with B5 to B20 fuels. NBEL is also working to develop the next generation of biodiesel fuels and involves research along the fuel's whole life, from agricultural seed research all the way to vehicle testing in the field.

The Department of Labor & Economic Growth project is an initiative to expand biofuel infrastructure throughout the country. As a partner with NextEnergy, Chrysler is providing cost-sharing support to assist in expanding the number of biofuel pumps throughout Michigan.

The Chrysler Foundation
Now in its 54th year, The Chrysler Foundation is the primary source of charitable grants made by Chrysler. The Foundation annually supports hundreds of charitable organizations with an emphasis on community growth and enrichment, education, arts and culture, public policy, youth development and disaster relief programs throughout the United States and, increasingly, the world. The Foundation's Good Neighbor, Good Citizen® programs make a positive, lasting investment in local communities where our employees, customers and neighbors live.

NextEnergy is a non-profit corporation, located in Detroit's TechTown, and was founded to enable the commercialization of energy technologies that positively contribute to economic competitiveness, energy security, and the environment. For more information, visit

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