Zero Rally Africa gears up for 2009

Not a heck of a lot of information is available yet on the Zero Rally Africa, but since there's about 14 months to go before the thing kicks off, this isn't really a problem. What we do know about the rally is that it's a 4,000 km, ten-day jaunt up from Cape Town through South Africa, Namibia and then over to Victoria Falls in Zambia. All sorts of alternative technology vehicles can take part (the website says that "electric, solar, hybrid, hydrogen and bio-fuel vehicles" are welcome), and the goal is to make the race carbon neutral. Whether that's through offsets or what is not stated.
The organizers say, "The rally will travel through some of the most dramatic landscape in the world including the greatest solar radiation area on earth.
The event will be an endurance challenge, a demonstration of the viability and practicality of planet-friendly vehicles."

Sounds like fun.

[Source: Zero Rally Africa via WorldChanging]

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